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Anatomical Fiducials
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Move crosshairs in all views: hold Shift
while moving the mouse
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mouse button while moving mouse up/down (can hold Control/Command
and scroll)
Pan (translate) scan: hold middle-mouse button
while moving the mouse
Placing Fiducials¶
The midline plane will need to be determined, which relies on four points: the anterior commissure (AC), the posterior commissure (PC), and two midline points (Mid 1-2). The midline points should be at least one interhemispheric point and one brainstem point (see section below for landmark positions). These 4 points are then used to define the midline plane, which is used to define the Talaraich coordinate system.
To place a fiducial point, click on the place point button () and drop the point at the indicated landmark. Once you have placed AC, PC and at least 2 midlines, click Confirm Fiducials. A new entry will be added to the fiducial table for the point MCP
If you modify any fiducial points you will need to press Confirm Fiducials again to re-calculate MCP
Anatomical Landmarks¶
AC point¶
PC point¶
Midline Points¶
Infracollicular Sulcus¶
Superior interpeduncular fossa¶